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Reformation Day 2020 Observed with a Colloquium by Nepal Presbyterian Alliance


November 1,


Nepal Presbyterian Alliance (NPA) recognized the historical importance of the Reformation effected by Martin Luther in the 16th century Germany, by organizing an online Colloquium on October 31, Saturday.

Attended by over 50 NPA member church leaders and scholars, the Colloquium presented a smorgasbord of short audio-videos, commentaries on the Five Solae: Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura, Solo Christo, Soli Deo Gloria, QA session, and summing insights.  Rev. Dr. Mahendra Bhattarai, Moderator of NPA and the Convener of the Colloquium, clarified that the ‘sola’ in those context does not only mean ‘only’ but the exclusive sufficiency and sure foundation of the Christian faith- no more human effort, tradition, penance or addition is needed to them! Elder Menuka Mishra briefed about the historical significance of Luther’s initiative at reforming the Catholic Church from within and set the tone for the Colloquium. Then other leaders like Dr. Arbin Pokharel, Pr. Mani Koirala, Pr. N. B. Chhetri, Pr. Suraj Kasula presented brief commentaries on the five solae. Finally, Rev. P. S. Tingbo summed up the colloquium on the Five Solae, with his age and wisdom and unique humor. There was a brief QA session also.

A question was raised if there was a visible physical church after Romanism creeped in and before the Reformation took place, to which the answers came in the affirmative, given the fact that God was alive and active in the body of Christ, preserving his Word and work in individuals- despite the corruption of the corporate church. Then Rev. Sangam K.C. of Asha Presbyterian Church concluded the program with closing prayer and benediction.

“Sincere thanks to speakers who prepared their presentations so concisely for the limited time they were given. Huge thank you to you all who participated. This has encouraged the speakers and the organizers. We hope some of you learnt a little about Reformation and we do hope that you are encouraged too to learn more and improve your contribution towards improving your Church. In the last 60 years, the number of Churches in Nepal has grown very well but the spiritual status has a lot to rise.

But raising our spiritual status and relation with God and our families, relatives and neighbours is our part both individually and collectively together. Reforming is a continuous process especially as we are surrounded by people and systems which are antagonistic to the preaching of Christ, our Supreme Role Model, the Son of God. Special appreciation to Pr Suraj Kasula, Pr Pr Dhruba Adhikari, Pr Sangam KC, Pr Balajied, Pr Akash Thulung, Eld Umesh Chemjong, Eld. Menuka Mishra, R. K. Vanlalrhuaia and Mahima Pandi Bhattarai for being instrumental and

Participants and Presenters of NPA Zoom                                                       Colloquium on the Five Solae

resource persons in the foreground and in the background to the success of this event. Let us continue encouraging each other, improving our Churches and glorifying God. Soli deo gloria!” – reads the appreciative note received by the scribe from Dr Bhattarai regarding the Colloquium.

Video link here:


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