Christian ConcernHarmony and PeaceHuman Rights/Life liberty and Pursuit of HappinessReligious Freedom and Persecution

Religious Freedom Protection Front-

Voice for FORB and Human Rights at Large


May 27, Lalitpur-

Religious Freedom Protection Front (धार्मिक स्वतन्त्रता संरक्षण मोर्चा) held its opening programme followed by interaction today at Unity Foodland and Cafe, Satdobato, Ring Road, Lalitpur.

Chaired by Kal Bahadur BK aka Yehunna Khati, the scribe had the privilege of addressing the programme as the special guest. The religion or rather duty of the state/administration and political entities is not to verbatim impose any particular faith system or religion, but to ensure all religions can be adhered to freely by the individuals. That said, freedom of religion is not freedom from religion- or atheism or banishing of any and all faith, he clarified. Referencing the International Religious Freedom Report published by the International Religious Freedom Department of US (The report can be read here:, he questioned why the theocratic and despotic cannot publish such a report. Also, he mentioned in the same way Christians are marginalized in Nepal and India, Hindus and Buddhists are oppressed in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. Speech here:

MMO central member Aaren Mangol addressed various practical and theoretical issues regarding secularism, religious freedom and the monolithic culture of the establishment.

Media person Bishwash Thapa highlighted the differences between secularism and religious freedom, and the timeliness of the establishment of the Front.

Ably emceed by Ananda PM, vice chair of the Front, the General Secretary Elizer Tamang presented the concept paper and the goals of the Front.

At a time where the federations and other entities are drawn into inte4nak turmoil hence the lack of a powerful voice for religious freedom and minority concern, the Front may prove a much needed voice of advocacy on their behalf.



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