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The Dangers of Online Media: The Loss of an Author’s Voice


The power of the internet has given writers the ability to reach a global audience, but the loss of writing access in online media poses a significant threat to an author’s voice. This practice not only undermines the values of the journalism industry but also erases an author’s work from the public record. To protect the rights of authors, publications should establish clear guidelines for access and publishing, and ensure that authors retain ownership and control over their work.

In the digital age, the world of journalism has been revolutionized. The power of the internet has given writers the ability to reach a global audience, share their ideas, and connect with readers like never before. However, this newfound freedom comes with a downside: the risk of losing control over one’s own work.

One of the greatest threats to an author’s voice in the world of online media is the loss of writing access. In many cases, online publications will grant writers access to their platforms to publish articles and essays, but with that access comes a potential risk. If an author falls out of favor with the publication, or if their ideas no longer align with the publication’s values, they can quickly find themselves without access to their own work.

This loss of control can be devastating to an author. Not only do they lose the ability to share their ideas with the world, but they also lose ownership of their work. In some cases, publications may even go so far as to delete an author’s work from their platform entirely, erasing their voice from the public record.

This practice is not only harmful to individual authors, but it also undermines the values of the journalism industry as a whole. Journalism is built on the principles of free speech and the exchange of ideas, and the loss of an author’s voice strikes at the heart of these principles.

To combat this problem, we need to take a proactive approach to protecting the rights of authors. Publications should establish clear guidelines for access and publishing, and ensure that authors retain ownership and control over their work. In addition, there should be safeguards in place to protect authors in the event of a dispute with a publication.

Ultimately, the loss of an author’s voice is a tragedy for both the author and the broader journalism community. We must work together to ensure that the digital age does not undermine the principles of free speech and the exchange of ideas that are the foundation of our industry. Only then can we truly harness the power of online media to make our voices heard and bring about positive change in the world.


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  1. Its a serious issue indeed!
    For an author, her/his writing, creation is like a child- a brain child indeed!

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