Law and Crime

Media Advocacy & Legal Support Team द्वारा पक्राउ परेका जोशीका बारेमा सोधखोज


माघ २, ललितपुर ।

ललितपुरको कुसुन्तीबाट केही दिन अगि पक्राउ परेका ध्रुव जोशीको केसका बारेमा प्रहरी प्रशासन तथा निजसँग बुझ्नका लागि हिजो बुधवार सञ्चार पैरवी तथा कानुनी सहायता समूह (MEALS – Media Advocacy & Legal Support) Team ले भेट गरेको छ ।

Civic Lawyers Forum का संयोजक तथा chairperson of Civic Alliance for Advocacy Nepal का अध्यक्ष अधिवक्ता भविन्द्र राई तथा Media Advocacy Forum Nepal का विदुर अधिकारीको संयुक्त टिमले बुझ्दा अहिल्यै केही भन्न नसकिने, आरोपित अन्य मुद्दाहरूमा पनि संलग्न रहेको देखिएको तथा आरोप लगाउने महिला पनि पछिल्लो चरणमा गल्ती महसुस गरी डराएको जस्ता कुरा सामने आएका छन् ।

हाल आरोपी महिलालाई बेनाम संस्थामा राखी परामर्श दिइराखिएको छ भने उनी अलि डराएको कारण उनको पनि गल्ती वा सुरूमा सहमति थियो कि भनी त्यो कुनाबाटसमेत अनुसन्धान गरिनुपर्ने अवस्था देखिएको छ । शुक्रवारसम्म जोशीलाई हिरासतमा राखी अनुसन्धान चल्नेछ, त्यसपछि मात्र मुद्दा के कसो हुने हो सो संकेत प्राप्त हुने बुझिएको छ ।

MEALS (Media Advocacy & Legal Support) Team visited the Jawalkahel Police Station and talked to the police in-charge there and also met the accused Dhruba Joshi regarding the alleged rape case.

Coordinator of Civic Lawyers Forum and chairperson of Civic Alliance for Advocacy advocate Mr Bhabindra rai and Chairperson of Media Advocacy Forum Nepal Mr Bidur Adhikari talked to them separately. The accused says it is a false allegation, and that he has been framed.

Police says the women also seems to be of doubtful character. Advocate Bhabindra Rai and myself requested and got time to see him in the lock up for five minutes. The case is complicated. The family of the accused was also contacted on phone, they also denied any such incident had happened. The case may drop or proceed further depending in what the police arrives at at the end of the 5 days of remand, which ends Friday January 17.

Source: MEALS (Media Advocacy & Legal Support) Team facebook page:

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