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Abolish the parliamentary syndicate-

Over a dozen party indicate!


Kathmandu, February 09-

An all party coalition organized a corner meeting [कोणसभा (konsabha)] at Maitaighar Mandal and demonstration programme upto New Baneshwor against the unconstitutional and undemocratic provision which disparages the right of the minor parties which have not crossed the threshold of national party.

Emceed off the cuff by Mr Bidur Adhikari, Deputy-General Secretary of Janajagaran Party Nepal (JPN) and coordinated by Mr Bijay Bau Siwakoti, Spokesperson of Nepal Bibeksheel Party, party representatives spoke against the discriminatory election act, and demanded of its instant amendment .

Then the demonstration proceeded to New Baneshwor, which being a demonstration restricted zone and a busy locale, the demonstration halted short of the crossroads besides Everest Hotel.

There also some representatives addressed the mass, and clarified their stand.

The government and the parties in the parliament were  demanded to make it simple and feasible for all parries to fight in the local level elections using their own election symbols regsitered at the Election Commission.

Nepal Bibeksheel Party, Janajagaran Prty Nepal, Unnat Loktantra Party (Advanced Democratic Party), Janamat Party, Maulik Jaro Kilo Party, Bibeksheel Sajha Party, Sachet Nepali Party, Nepali Congress (BP), Nepal ka lagi Nepali Party, Nepal Sushan Party, Nepali Janamat Party, Nepal ka lagi Nepali and Nepali Janta Dal are in the coalition in this issue.

The constitution of Nepal, Article 269 is “Provision relating to Political Parties” which decribes “Constitution, registration and operation of Political Parties”  in clause (1) as: “Persons who are committed to a common political ideology, philosophy and program shall, subject to the laws under section (b), clause (2) of the Article (17), be entitled to form and operate the political parties and to generate or cause to be generated publicity in order to secure public support and cooperation from the general public for their ideology, philosophy and program, and to carry out any other activities for that purpose.”

Similarly, Article 270 clarly states inder the heading “Prohibition on the imposition of restrictions on political parties”:

(1). Any provision, law or the decision that prohibits formation, registration and operation of political parties under Article 269, and generate or cause to be generated publicity in order to secure public support and cooperation from the general public for ideology, philosophy and program of the parties, shall be deemed against this constitution and shall ipso facto be void.

(2). Any law, arrangement or decision which allows for participation or involvement of only a single political party or persons having a single political ideology, philosophy or programs in the election, political system of the country or conduct of sates affairs shall be considered against this constitution and shall ipso facto be void.”

But this very provision is violated by the Local Elections Act 2073 (BS), Article 26, Clause 6 and 7 which discriminated between the parties attaining national status and those which have not attained this status, by stating that the Election Officer can allocate election symbols to the independent candiates and the candidates of the parties which have not attained the status of national party.

This provision has created two classes of parties- so to speak. Which has only created a lot confusion to the voters, casued rstriction to the smaller parties, and also ficscal and logistical difficulties to the Election Commission.

Such a privision goes against “free and fair” elections, and the provision of multiparty competitive system of governance as enshrined in Article 74 of the constitution.



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