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Extremist outfit gatecrashes during service- Pastor and congregants abused and manhandled-

Media, Social and Political Activists visit and criticize the attack


Kathmandu, June 22-

A local church in Madar, Siraha was attacked during the church service on 15 June, around 11:30 am.

Siraha Church, being pastored by Mahesh Mukhiya, was forced to move from another location in the district headquarter as the extremist outfit which identifies itself as Hindu Samrat Sena (Hindu Monarch Army) threatened the landlord not to provide his place for the church.

The church then started gathering on the yard of the pastor; but as the monsoon was approaching, they decided to construct a makeshift hall on the second storey of the pastor’s house. But the extremists came there too, started beating the pastor and others.

“Hindu Samrat Sena (HSS) (Hindu Monarch Army) has been threatening us for last some years. 6 months back, we were forced to leave the rented hall for the church, as the same outfit threatened and pressurized us and the landlord to evict us. So, we started gathering on our yard, but as the monsoon was about to start, we planned to construct this upper storey on our house for the church.

“Last Saturday, as we were in the midst of the church service, about 45 people forcibly entered our church and started threatening me. When I told them to be seated and we will talk later, they started beating and kicking me, as well as others. My mom was hit on her mouth with her Bible, and one of her teeth fell.; they also twisted and scratched her left arm. Another young lady was gagged on her mouth, as she requested them to behave and stop using abusive words,” pastor Mahesh told the scribe.

Local Christian Society led a delegation to the CDO, requesting action on Rajesh Yadav- central chair of  HMA, Om Prakash Yadav and others who violently attacked and abused the congregation. Ward 1 chair Mahesh Yadav allegedly backing up the extremist elements, and pressurizing the pastor not to do church in the ward!

On June 18, NCFN representatives visited the pastor and comforted the congregation; the next day, the local Christian Society led a delegation to the Chief District Officer (CDO), submitted a letter asking for protection. The CDO summoned the HSS members and made them sign a paper expressing the commitment that they won’t engage in such activities. But the CDO, and the local Ward Chair have reportedly requested the pastor not to conduct the church service in his house, as we are the only Christian family in the locality. “I told them we can’t stop gathering and worshipping as a church,” the pastor told.

The scribe commented on the incident:

Problem with the  outfit:

  • There cannot be two armies in a country: There is already Nepalese Army (NA); there cannot be another army by any name, whether it be Hindu Monarch Army, or Shiv Sena, or Bajrang Dal.
  • A challenge to the Administration: From the federal government to the local ward level, from the Police to the Army, such an outfit is an outright challenge, defiance, and even more, a rebellion. Such needs to be “nipped in the bud,” to be crushed while still controllable; the nation cannot sustain another rebellion.
  • Safety of all: The government at all levels must ensure he safety of all the citizens, irrespective of their faith and numbers.

Here is how the delegates were surrounded: 

We call upon all the local bodies including Nepal Government, Home Ministry, Nepal Police, CDO, Ward Office, and all party representatives to ensure law and order is maintained, and all are protected while exercising their faith. And we call upon the Hindu Samrat Sena to hold a civil discussion.

Watch the pastor being brutally beaten:


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