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Leo Sanjay Thapa: Igniting Transformation as Vice District President Candidate-

Leos vie for Leadership!


May 26, Kathmandu-

In the realm of leadership, there are those who stand out as beacons of change, their dedication and vision leaving an indelible mark. , a passionate advocate for service and a frontrunner for the position of Vice District President (VDP), embodies the spirit of transformation. Through his remarkable track record within the Leo movement, Thapa has established himself as a steadfast leader deserving of our wholehearted support. Let us delve into his qualifications and remarkable contributions, underscoring why he is the ideal candidate for this prestigious role.

A Legacy of Service and Exemplary Leadership:

Leo Sanjay Thapa’s journey within the Leo movement is one of continual growth and unwavering commitment. His leadership prowess shines through as he seamlessly transitions from roles such as Member, Tailtwister, Vice President, and President, to the esteemed position of Immediate Past President (IPP)/Club Director. These experiences have nurtured his comprehensive understanding of the movement and forged in him an unyielding sense of responsibility. Thapa’s influence extends beyond his club. At the district level, he has fearlessly undertaken the mantle of Zone Chairperson, Region Chairperson, and Area Coordinator. These pivotal positions have allowed him to foster collaboration, confront challenges head-on, and cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment for all members.

Visionary Thinking and Pioneering Spirit:

Leo Sanjay Thapa’s tenure as a leader is marked by visionary thinking and an unwavering commitment to innovation. As a torchbearer for the Leo Club of Damak Eastern Line, Thapa’s tireless efforts have not only fortified the existing club but also blazed a trail for the establishment of new Leo clubs within the region. By expanding the footprint of the Leo movement, he has opened doors for countless individuals to engage in meaningful service and contribute to their communities. Thapa’s indomitable spirit is deeply rooted in his steadfast endorsement of Lions International’s principles and objectives. Through his dedication to these global values, he has consistently sought to invigorate the Leo movement, making it more influential, accessible, and responsive to the pressing needs of our ever-evolving society.

A Tapestry of Recognition and Esteem:

Leo Sanjay Thapa’s remarkable contributions have garnered admiration and acclaim within the Leo movement. His unwavering commitment to service led to his recognition as one of the District’s top 15 Leos of the year. Moreover, his remarkable efforts received heartfelt appreciation from none other than International President, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi. Thapa’s perseverance and dedication were fittingly acknowledged with prestigious accolades, including the Leo Award of Honour medallion and the esteemed Medal of Honor.


As we seek an exceptional candidate for the role of Vice District President, Leo Sanjay Thapa emerges as an inspiring leader poised to usher in transformational change. With his proven track record of service, forward-thinking mindset, and unwavering dedication, Thapa embodies the qualities necessary to propel the Leo movement towards new heights. His vision for progress, coupled with his extensive leadership experience, positions him as the quintessential choice for the role.
Let us rally together in unequivocal support of Leo Sanjay Thapa’s candidacy for Vice District President, confident that under his stewardship, the Leo movement will thrive and leave an indelible impact on our communities. Together, we can forge a future guided by compassion, collaboration, and remarkable change.

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