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World Affairs Commentary: ICC declares Netanyahu and Gallant war criminals, Raisi’s death: Divine Judgement?

Indian Elections, Russian-Ukraine, Dalits ignored while transgenderism promoted!


Kathmandu, May 25-

This week we have started a new section called “World Affairs Commentary” – where our Chief Editor will be interviewed on various world and domestic affairs. Please subscribe and tune in to listen to thought provoking, unrestrained opinions ranging from politics to theology, economics and literature! – Editorial Team 

Question (Sumon Shrestha): How do you view the current world scenario?

Answer: Well, look, I don’t want to sound a fear-monger or a  war-monger- for I am not one; that said, the reality is that the world right now is in a volatile situation. Look, the ICC (International Criminal Court) has issued arrest warrant against Hamas leaders which is understandable given their atrocities, but similarly Israel PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant are also warranted against! The US has criticized the ICC regarding Israel, but France and Germany have said they respect ICC decision! Republican Senator Lindsay Graham commended the Secretary Anthony Blinken and the Biden administration regarding their stance.

Iran’s Prez Ibrahim Raisi was threatening to eliminate Israel off the face of the earth, but got himself eliminated- many see this as a divine justice.

Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of military personnel and civilians, and seems to have no end.

India is having its fifth round of general elections, and will be good for Modi to go out of power.

Dalits are discriminated, nay more, murdered every other day, while  transgender extremists are coming after our kids. Same sex union is demanding legal recognition and social acceptance.. There are real issues of injustice and discrimination, of poverty and deprivation which need to be tackled. But some extreme ideologuess are imposing damaging ideologies of transgenderism, sodomy and pride movement.

We will look more into other affairs in the next episode.





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