LiteratureNepal/News in Nepali Languageनेपाली भाषामा भिडियो

Purview of Readers’ Book Review-

Liberating truth revealed in The Hidden Truth


February 9, Lalitpur-

Yet another book review of The Hidden Truth by Dr. Bishop Dambar Adhikari was held among some key personages like Dr. Bishop Narayan Sharma, Elder Gyanendra Raj Sapkota, and the author himself along with the scribe this Tuesday.

The panelists underlined the important aspects of the book, its relevance and a way forward for the solutions of the evils of discrimination. The author also added some remarks on the occassion, and the almost an hour long book talk turned sober and lively at moments.

The purview or scope of the book review included history and archaeology, culture and religion, symbolism and musical instruments, politics and development, dsicimination and casteism, to name a few major aspects.

In light of the recent report that Nepalis rank among the lest intelligent nation, it is incumbent upon us as a natio to engage intellectually.

The author writes,

The purpose of this book is to show that we are all children of the same Creator God. God created us as male and female. Understanding this truth, it is necessary for us to live together and eliminate the caste discrimination that exists among Nepalese and speed up the development of the nation.”

Bishop Sharma has this to say on his congratulatory remark on the book:

I am assured the author Bishop Dr. Dambar Adhikari has prepared a solid material after much historical studies and research. The book is suitable for a deeper historical study, therefore this is a source text.

Author Dr. Bishop Dambar has offered answers to many unanswered questions among the common Nepalese, that again in an accessible style of writing, with proper historical references. The Hidden Truth is the first book of its kind which had dealt with the rise and dispersal of the tribes and communities based on their trades and professions. Referencing Old Testament, the history and traditions of the Jewish people have been traced down and illustrated as to how they are similar to Nepalese civilization and traditions.”


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